Reiki Box


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Much like a “God box” in which one would put prayers and wishes we can also use a Reiki Box. By setting an intention to the box and also into the articles you choose to put into the box you can create an energy around it. Personally I use written symbols that have been used in healing, crystals, and other meaningful items set with an individual intention by Shifting Energy~Creating Synergy


Relying on Faith


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“Just have faith” how many times have we all heard that one. While I have faith I also have knowledge which can be contraintuitive to say the least. My personal finances and life goals have been challenged as of late and while I rely on a strong lineage of ‘hard-asses’ and can make it through anything if it doesn’t kill me. But what if the mere challenge of staying balanced and aware of reality gets to be too much?
Rely on Faith
Believe in the Universal Life Force and higher power to allow you to succeed. What that means essentially is believe in yourself!
We all have within us; the power to heal ourselves of emotional and psychological pain. Remember the ego is strong so we need to work out our spirits by Shifting Energy~Creating Synergy


Landing safely✈️


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Safe travels were had by all! I spent time in New York. It was my first experience in such a place. While I have spent time in larger cities such as Chicago and Denver-they pale in comparison to NYC. I got to know family and practice Reiki on some while discussing it with all. While staying shielded; I wandered the streets of New York City and took it all in. I tried to focus on individual spaces as I walked through crowds to help sharpen my intuition. Scanning individuals as fast as I could for auric fractions, and energetic blocks. Naturally this took a lot of focus/energy on my part and was only done when I truly had enough of both. I found that I could use this time as well to again, practice blocking my own energy from others and focusing purely on the Reiki intuition. NYC has many souls; some lost, in pain or even right on track so it was an excellent opportunity to practice. I had a great flight and was very relaxed as I did a powerful ten minute self-healing prior to boarding the plane–Shifting Energy Creating Synergy.


Travel and Anxiety


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Self-healing; it’s what I’ve been practicing to ease the anxiety of flying. The misconception of trust between the pilot and the air-the whole thing bothers me. CKR+SHK has helped release the self-made tension upon my being. Releasing the negative feelings if only for the session decreases the overall anxiety. This self-healing can be done by us all if we are open to our spirits and what we can do while Shifting Energy-Creating Synergy




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I have learned that in order to
heal through energetic forces you need balance. Balancing the chakra system through meditation and visualization opens opportunity to allow light or energy if you will to work in the utmost positive manner for the greater good of the intention. Auric clearing and chakra clearing by guided meditation are also ways to give your energetic forces more vitality for healing by Shifting Energy-Creating Synergy


Self-love, Acceptance, and Celebration… Counting the Little Things Too!



So true! Self-care attributes to a lot of success that otherwise would not have come to us. Love yourself 🙂

Reiki Mommy

So, I read a really interesting blog post that dealt with how we aren’t very good at celebrating our successes. And by success, the author counted things like: finishing a load of laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, booking a new client, oh and you know, landing at the top of the New York Times Bestsellers List! And yes, ending with a biggie after a list of tasks that most of us do often and probably don’t particularly enjoy was on purpose. The overall point? We don’t allow ourselves to live in the moment or feel and enjoy little victories and accomplishments, let alone big ones. If we don’t have our next five steps planned out before finalizing the first, we are behind, underachieving, not working hard enough, etc, etc. Are you guilty of feeling this way? I most definitely am. Reiki Daddy jokes that he can check in with me on…

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I have been studying the power of using energy to heal others for a while now.  It has been an uplifting experience to know that I can tap into a gift that everyone has but most do not take the time to observe.  Utilizing meditation and creativity in my own healing practices/techniques, I have been able to benefit from Reiki by giving and receiving.  Emotional pain plagues us all in many ways and physical ailments can block us from our own energy, Reiki can heal these blocks over time.  This blog will be about my journey onward in using this gift of healing by Shifting Energy-Creating Synergy